Camp Policies



All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible, respectful, and safe manner. We may ask Campers who require 1:1 supervision, disrupt the camp experience, or threaten the safety of themselves or others to leave camp. 

Neuron Garage strives to create a fun, safe environment in which each child thrives individually and as a member of the community. Neuron Garage staff members are trained to use positive reinforcement, modeling, logical consequences, and discussion to guide behavior. If there is a situation in which these methods are not effective, the family will be contacted to discuss additional intervention, up to and including, removal from the program. While we view misbehavior as an opportunity to learn and grow, we also place great value on the physical safety of our Campers and have a low tolerance for physical aggression.

The Camp reserves the right to terminate its relationship with any family or individual in appropriate circumstances. It is possible to end our relationship with one Parent/Guardian, while designating the other as the sole point of contact, if the situation lends itself to this solution. Activities warranting termination include, but are not limited to:

  • Being unable to follow staff instructions such that there are safety concerns (e.g. unable to stay with group, cannot handle supplies safely)
  • Hitting, shoving, pushing, biting, kicking campers or staff
  • Threatening physical aggression toward campers or staff
  • Repeated and targeted verbal aggression toward campers or staff
  • Making derogatory remarks related to race, sexual orientation, religion or other forms of discrimination toward campers or staff
  • Sexual harassment of campers or staff
  • Damage to property
  • Bringing a weapon to camp or threat of bringing a weapon to camp
  • Bringing drugs, alcohol, or other banned substances for minors to camp

The Camp will attempt to discuss its concerns and allow a family the opportunity to correct inappropriate or disruptive conduct. However, the nature and/or severity of the conduct may require immediate termination.


We offer full refunds, with no deposits or material fees, on any camps cancelled by May 1st — and after that, you will receive credit that is good for the current summer or the following summer.


The Camp regularly takes photographs, audio recordings and videos of participating children and retains all rights, title and interest therein. The Camp takes care that use, display, and dissemination of these materials are accomplished in a thoughtful and safe manner. They may be shared with Parents/Guardians and other families in a variety of ways: on our websites, via email, and posting at the Camp location. In addition, they may be used for general business and marketing purposes, including online. If you have questions or concerns regarding the use of materials featuring your child(ren) publicly, please contact

Parents/Guardians may not take photographs, audio recordings, or videos of any other children, staff, or families at the Camp. Participating children are also prohibited from taking photographs, video, or audio recordings on personal or other devices.


Drop Off: Parents are asked to walk their children to the check-in table each day. A staff member will be at drop-off to check Campers in and direct them to their classrooms where one of their Guides will help them settle in. Parents are also welcome to walk their children to the classroom. On Mondays, parents are asked to verify contact and other important information to ensure camper safety.

Pick Up: Parents or other people on a Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up list come to the check-in table or other designated pick-up spot between 3-3:30pm (or between 3:30pm and 5:30pm if the camper is enrolled in Extended Hours). A person must be on a Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up list and show valid ID before the Camper can leave with them. For pick-up before 3pm, contact the Director at your location to arrange.


Our campus is available for Parents or Guardians of Campers to visit any time during hours of operation without prior notice, to observe their child, program activities, the premises, and the equipment. Visitors are accompanied by a staff member at all times.

Any visitor who is not a staff member or authorized pick-up person is not allowed to enter our classrooms. If it is determined that a visitor must enter, a staff member will accompany the visitor at all times, until the visitor has departed.


Children requiring services for a disability or medical-related reason may be approved to receive services while in attendance at Camp from their therapist after meeting specific requirements. In order to accompany a camper at Neuron Garage, the family must provide completed Parent Agreement and Aide Agreement forms.

Any therapist or other person who accompanies a camper is subject to the same rules, guidelines, and instructions as Neuron Garage staff members, including providing proof of a background check, and they must act in accordance with any applicable laws. 

If your child is being picked up to work with a tutor or therapist, they must be on the child’s Authorized Pick-Up list, but do not need to fill out any forms.


Families are responsible for providing accurate and complete medical, behavioral, allergy, and dietary restriction information critical to their child(ren)’s safe enjoyment and participation in Camp activities. This information is all collected in the “Get To Know Your Camper Form” as part of the registration process.


For the health and safety of all campers and staff, all attending child(ren) are required to be current on all immunizations required by their local school district. Proof of vaccination may be requested at any time. Exceptions for non-medical, religious, or philosophical reasons may be permitted. Medical exemptions will be considered by the Camp Headquarters on a case-by-case basis with adequate documentation from the child(ren)’s regular, licensed physician confirming that they cannot safely receive vaccinations for medical reasons, in addition to information needed to meet any applicable state requirements.


Medication required to be taken at camp must be provided to staff at check-in with a completed Medication Authorization Form providing written consent for its administration by staff. Medication must be labeled with the child’s name and in its original container. A family’s instructions cannot conflict with the prescription or product label instructions. The same process must be followed for Epi-Pens, inhalers, or other emergency medications.

All medications will be stored in a secure place and will be administered to campers according to the Medication Authorization Form. Additional documentation and/or processes relating to the administration of medication may be required to meet applicable state requirements.

Any unused medication will be sent home on Friday afternoon. 


Neuron Garage locations offer pre-packaged snacks to Campers. Parents may request to see a sample of these snacks  to review the ingredients and are expected to speak with their child and location Director about any off-limit foods. 

While our pre-packaged snacks typically do not contain nuts, we are not a nut-free campus and cannot guarantee that the food other Campers bring to camp will be nut or other allergen-free. Families may request that their children sit separately from other campers during lunch for allergy safety. If you would like to do so, please communicate this to your location Director.

As part of the registration process, families are asked to provide detailed information about any food allergies or sensitivities/restrictions that your Camper may have. 

If you have an Epi-Pen, inhaler, or other emergency medication for your Camper, please bring medications in a labeled box or bag, and in its original packaging. Please fill out the Medication Authorization form for any medications you are bringing to camp.


In order to help ensure the well-being of our campers and staff, if your camper is showing signs of illness, please remain home. The guidelines below give more specific information to help you determine whether or not to send your child to camp. These also represent instances when we will require a child to be picked up from camp. If county guidelines mandate additional quarantine, testing or a medical release to return to care, Neuron Garage will follow whichever if most restrictive.

  • Fever/Diarrhea/Vomiting: If your child has experienced diarrhea or vomiting within 24 hours before camp, please keep them home. The Camp is only equipped to handle cases of diarrhea or repeated vomiting in emergencies until the child can be picked up from Camp by a parent/guardian. Children must be fever-free for at least 24 hours prior to attending Camp, without the aid of fever-reducing medication. Fever is defined when a thermometer reads 100.4° or more. 
  • Contagious Illness/Parasitic Infection: If your child has a contagious illness, even without fever, beyond a mild cold (for example: pink eye, a contagious skin rash), or if your child has head lice/nits, please do not send your child to Camp. You may send your child to Camp with a doctor’s note if their condition has been treated such that it is no longer contagious.
  • COVID-19: Children should stay home if they have, or someone in their household has, any COVID-19 symptoms including: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, body aches, fatigue, headache, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell or eye drainage or infection. If a child has been in close proximity (closer than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes, without wearing a face covering) to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, are waiting to receive test results, or are presumptively positive based on a health care provider’s assessment or symptoms we recommend that child use a mask while at camp for the 10 days after said exposure.



Children are expected to be fully toilet trained and able to use the bathroom independently. This includes not wearing diapers/training pants, not having daily or frequent accidents, being able to anticipate and communicate if they need to go to the bathroom and stop what they are doing with enough time to get to the bathroom, being able to take off their clothes and put them back on without assistance as needed, wiping/cleaning themselves after using the toilet without assistance, and washing and drying hands. Reasonable accommodations will be explored for children with documented medical conditions.


Children are permitted to use pronouns and to choose a restroom that aligns with their gender identity. Whenever possible, the Camp will provide access to gender neutral or private restrooms. Where not available, the Camp will work with children and families to determine a safe and comfortable bathroom option.


Children should bring a reusable water bottle (labeled with their name), a ready-to-eat lunch that can be stored in the classroom, and snacks if desired in addition to the prepackaged snacks provided by Neuron Garage. 

Campers should wear comfortable clothing and closed-toed shoes that they can run around and get dirty in. A sunhat, sunscreen, bugspray, and an extra layer are welcome, as well as a change of clothes (if Camper is toilet trained, but occasionally has accidents).

Additionally, clean recycling (excluding glass, metal, medicine containers and large cardboard boxes) is welcome any time!

Children should leave tablets, game systems, toys or novelty items, valuables, money, animals, illicit substances, weapons or other substances banned for minors at home. 

Campers who bring cellphones or other devices to contact parents will be instructed to keep them in backpacks and turned off for the entire day. Smart watches must be in school or airplane mode while at camp. If campers need repeated reminders to keep technology put away, they may be asked to leave their cellphone with the Camp Director until the end of the day.